Music of Lod'ia (ладья) sailors
from the film "Snow Maiden"
in the background. The lyrics of the song follow.
Around 1920 in the United States, when an airplane flew overhead,
almost everybody ran outside to see this new technological
accomplishement. Similarly, a Lod'ia (Ладья)
in Russia was an awe inspiring new technological accomplishment,
and when such a river craft approached a town
(деревня или село)
everybody ran to the river to see this incredible thing. This is
exactly what is shown in the film "Snow Maiden" (<<Снегурочка>>).
The lyrics to the song that the Lod'ia (ладья)
sailors sing follow.
"Something Never Seen"
A gray bear flies in the sky,
With his ears working as a kite
And his black tail as a rudder.
Something never heard!
Something never seen!
And a cow comes down a hill,
With her feet apart,
with her eyes popped out.
Something never heard!
Something never seen!
On a tall oak tree a pig made a nest.
A pig made a nest and hatched little kids.
Something never heard!
Something never seen!